Family World Store

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English - USD

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FAMILY WORLD STORE is an e-commerce platform. You can buy, sell and invest your money to generate great profit.
* Each person who becomes a family on FAMILY WORLD STORE through your link will be part of your family *


To become a family on FAMILY WORLD STORE you must:
  • Have a valid ID issued by your country of residence.
  • Pay 20 dollars fee every month for using this platform.


  • You have to sell at least one product per month through your link.


  • You earn $5 for each person who becomes a family through your link.
  • You earn $5 for each person who becomes a family through the link of someone who is part of your family.
  • You earn 10% on each product sold through your link.
  • You earn 5% on each product sold through the link of someone who is part of your family.
  • You receive $10 per month for each person who is part of your family.
  • E.g.: If you have 10 people in your family, you receive $100 per month.
  • You can sell your own products on FAMILY WORLD STORE